Advisor Meeting #3 (5 Dec. 2016)
with Jean Marie Casbarian (Studio Advisor)
Suggestions made during the meeting:
- Print out the images from the Visualising Breath project to bring to New York
- Sensory Deprivation tanks - organise this experience while in New York. Contact Phillip and discuss his experiences
Research the following artists:
- Have a look at Zarina's installation images to gain an understanding of the scale that she works with.
- Also look at Sean Justice's Breathing Pictures - a photographic series.
- Etienne-Jules Marey - French photographer. Look at the following projects:
- Picturing Time
- Movements of Air
- Christine Sun Kim - Sound Artist
- Video of one of her sound pieces
- Roni Horn - Photographer, Multi-Media Artist and Sculptor. Look at how she presents her work, especially the project Roni Horn aka Roni Horn.
- Carsten Holler - have a look at the retrospect of his work at the New Museum titled: Experience.
- Yves Klein
- The Void
- Air Architecture
Air Architecture: "A space where the walls, the roof and even the furniture are made from compressed air, while the services (kitchen, bathroom and store) are grouped together underground. An environment with a controlled climate where people are free to move in direct contact with the earth and sky. This is a rough description of the “Air Architecture” dreamt up by Yves Klein in 1958 together with architect Claude Parent.
Directly emanating from his interest in the immaterial and passion for the primary elements in nature – fire, air and water – the love of the conceptual artist for architecture..."
Things to consider for New York:
- Bring as much work as you can to New York
- Think about the feedback that you want and direct the feedback into the areas you would gain the most benefit from - what are you after in terms of help with this work?
- You can prepare a Power Point or you can just talk about the work that is present
- Prepare the timing of the presentation - you don't want your presentation to impinge upon the feedback time. You want as much feedback as possible.
- Collect as much feedback as you can to take back into the studio to help you with your progress when you return home
- Next semester don't get too engrossed in the research paper at the expense of your studio time. Devote x amount of time to research and writing the paper and x amount of time to your studio work. They should help inform one another and not impede the progress of your practical work
- Think about the artists that have the most profound impact on you - who do you admire and most importantly why do you admire them? What is it about them and/or their practice that resonates so strongly with you? It is important to delve deeper into this question; to isolate the ideas behind the work; to research; to read their biographies; to analyze their process; to articulate the core of their practice and to then find ways to reinvent this into your own.
- For example, Roni Horn's work is about developing a process for a very long time frame. It's also about the ephemeral.
Jean Marie also talked about her experience of Gunther von Hagens' Body Worlds. Although being in the presence of real human cadavers created a deeply felt uneasiness, there was also a fascination for the way that parts of the human body bare such a striking resemblance to forms found in nature...veins like river systems, bone like a sea sponge, lungs like tree branches...
This is something I also thought about while working on Drawing Breath with Light #1 - the similarity between the bronchial tubes and a tree branch were really interesting to me... most of all because both are directly involved in the invisible exchange of breath.
- Look further into the relationship between trees and lungs..the invisible O2/CO2 mutual exchange. Have other artists looked into a similar topic?
- Also look at asthma tests, breathing machines, medical or scientific breathing test equipment. Investigate further into the Asthma Storm that hit Melbourne on the 21 November. Find witness accounts of the experiences involved in not being able to breathe because of this storm.
- Look at Chris McCaw's work with the sun
Chris McCaw, Heliograph 98 double day, 2015 (source: